About BBB

Our Mission

At Banish Big Brother, we stand at the forefront of the battle for privacy and freedom in an increasingly surveilled world. Born from a grassroots movement that spans the diverse landscapes of the United States, our mission is to safeguard personal privacy, challenge unauthorized surveillance, and empower individuals and communities to assert their rights in the digital age and beyond.

Who We Are

Banish Big Brother is a collective of privacy advocates, legal experts, digital freedom fighters, and concerned citizens, united by a common vision: a future where personal privacy is respected, digital surveillance is strictly regulated, and the inherent rights of individuals are protected.

We operate across the nation, engaging with communities to raise awareness, drive legislative action, and provide tools and knowledge to resist unwarranted intrusion into our private lives. From the bustling streets of major cities to the quiet corners of small towns, our message is clear and consistent — privacy matters.

What We Do

Educate: We provide resources, workshops, and seminars that demystify digital rights and privacy laws, equipping citizens with the knowledge to protect themselves against surveillance.

Advocate: Through lobbying, public campaigns, and collaboration with like-minded organizations, we push for policy reform and stronger legal protections for personal privacy.

Empower: Our grassroots initiatives empower local communities to take a stand against surveillance in their neighborhoods, schools, and online spaces.

Innovate: We collaborate with technologists to develop and promote tools that enhance digital privacy and security, ensuring everyone has access to technologies that keep them safe.

Our Story

Banish Big Brother was founded in response to the growing threats of digital and physical surveillance that have encroached on our freedoms. What started as a small group of privacy enthusiasts has grown into a nationwide movement, driven by the belief that privacy is a fundamental human right that must be actively defended.

Join Us

In the fight for privacy, every voice matters. Whether you’re a seasoned activist or new to the cause, there’s a place for you in Banish Big Brother. By joining us, you’re not just standing up for your own privacy; you’re protecting the freedoms of future generations.

Contact Us

To learn more about Banish Big Brother, get involved, or support our cause, contact us or join us on Discord. Together, we can build a world where surveillance is the exception, not the rule.

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