Article Submissions

Calling All Writers

Are you passionate about privacy, civil liberties, and digital rights? Do you have insights on combating surveillance and protecting individual freedoms in the digital age? Banish Big Brother is looking for thoughtful, engaging articles that delve into these crucial topics. We invite you to share your perspectives on government overreach, privacy, encryption, freedom of expression, the impact of technology on personal freedoms, strategies to defend individual rights, and more.

Submission Guidelines

We seek original, unpublished nonfiction pieces that are accessible to a general audience, especially those new to issues surrounding privacy and surveillance. Please ensure that your work is not published elsewhere and refrain from submitting it to other publications while you await our response. Your article should make a strong case for safeguarding individual freedoms without resorting to name-calling or partisan politics. While it’s perfectly fine to present a specific viewpoint, we encourage you to make your arguments clear and understandable to all readers, avoiding partisan endorsements.

What We’re Looking For

  • Engaging Content: Craft articles that you would want to read and share. Think about what makes your piece memorable and why readers would find it compelling.
  • Strong Introductions: Begin with a hook that draws readers in. Share relatable stories or anecdotes that set the stage for your main points.
  • Fair and Accurate Representation: Avoid strawman arguments and unsupported claims. Be specific, cite credible sources, and present information honestly.
  • Focused Messaging: Concentrate on one or two key ideas rather than trying to cover too much at once. This helps maintain clarity and impact.
  • Clear Communication: Write in plain English, avoiding academic jargon. Ensure your message is easily understood by readers from all backgrounds.
  • Consider Your Audience: Keep in mind that you’re addressing laypeople who may be new to these topics. Make your writing approachable and informative.

Formatting and Style Tips

  • Attributions: Incorporate facts and quotes directly into the text with clear attributions. Use embedded hyperlinks for online sources by utilizing the link feature in your word processor.
  • Paragraphs and Subheadings: Use short paragraphs to enhance readability. Subheadings are encouraged to organize content and guide readers through your article.
  • Author Bio and Photo: Please include a brief biography and a photo you’d like to use. This helps us introduce you to our readers.

How to Submit Your Article

Send your article as an MS Word document or share a link via Proton Drive. Email your submission to [email protected] with “Article Submission” in the subject line. In your email, provide a sentence or two summarizing the main idea of your piece. This helps us understand your perspective and the key points you wish to convey.

Please Note:

  • Original Work: We accept only original, unpublished work. Please do not submit articles that have been published elsewhere, and kindly refrain from submitting your piece to other publications while you await our response.
  • Review Time: While we carefully review all submissions, we may not be able to accept every piece we receive. This doesn’t reflect on the quality of your work, and we encourage you to continue contributing your ideas.


At this time, we do not offer payment for submissions. Your contribution helps further the conversation on critical issues related to privacy and digital rights.

Your Rights

You retain full rights to your work. By submitting your article to Banish Big Brother, you agree to have it published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where copyright is otherwise reserved. This license allows others to share and adapt your work, provided they give appropriate credit to you, include a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. This promotes open access and the sharing of knowledge. If your content has specific rights or restrictions elsewhere, please let us know so we can adjust accordingly.

Get in Touch

Ready to make your voice heard? Send your submissions and any questions to:

[email protected]

We look forward to reading your work and potentially sharing it with our community dedicated to preserving and promoting individual freedoms in the digital world.

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